Smarter Growth Alliance of Frederick County Meeting Notes: February 2, 2023

Attendees: Paul Walker, Kai Hagan, Susan Hanson, Karen Cannon, Blanca Poteat, Ingrid Rosencrantz, Elizabeth Bauer, Faith Klareich, Ed Grayzeck, Bill Steigelmann, Betty Law, Harry George, Betsy Smith, Jen Kunze

  1. Roll, Announcements and Attachments
    1. City of Frederick bag ban workshop is 02.02.23 in the City Hall Boardroom
    2. Sierra Club MD lobby night 02.13.23
    3. Gordon Mills Virtual briefing on 02.02.23
  2. SGA Organization
    1. A copy of Sierra Club meeting norms was distributed to be used by group going forward.
    2. The question of whether SGA is a smarter growth or no growth organization
      1. Kai noted that smarter growth is about how to grow smartly
        1. There are a number of aspects and lists are available.  Includes walkable areas, parks, transportation, etc
        2. Proper planning for growth
        3. Provided several links
      2. Betty-need to help shape decisions/growth
      3. Elizabeth-Envision will be looking at this
      4. Betsy-there will be some instances for no growth
      5. Faith-look at other smart growth actions taken by other groups in MD
      6. Susan-balanced/rational/thoughtful
  3. Paul-provided Howard County Solar siting regs as suggested model for use in Frederick county. Asked for others interested in moving this forward.
    1. Betty Law expressed interest
    2. Karen-Mobilize Frederick has solar on their radar
  4. Betsy-Gordon Mills Overview (power point)
    1. 02.02.23 meeting at 7 pm (Michelle ____)
    2. Issues-
      1.          data used for precipitation planning is 20 years old
      2. School overcrowding
      3. “piecemeal” road development
      4. Safety issue-many roads don’t have sidewalks
    3. Hearing scheduled for 02.08.23 at 9:30 am at the Planning Commission regarding pending site plan
  5. Rustic Roads-on hold for now
  6. Betty-Ft Detrick
    1. At the time of initial downpayment, the seller must disclose the issue to the buyer 
    2. This will be a MD law
  7. Ingrid-Sugarloaf update
    1. Planning Commission had 5 listening sessions at one time
    2. Not all developers were there, but Natelli was.  Stronghold was not
    3. Natelli is pushing for a larger building footprint
    4. Next Planning Commission meeting is on 02.15.23
  8. Betty and Bill (Kevin not in attendance) presentation relating to data center
    1. QL project at the former EAlco site is already approved
    2. Green space was previously used as a buffer, but will be used now
    3. Much of the area is zoned as industrial already
    4. Cabling from Ashburn VA to Frederick can accommodate Sugarloaf or Adamstown
    5. Feedback included validation of statement on amount of surrounding land owned by developers, remove developer names from presentation to focus on environmental impacts as problems.
    6. Other CDI discussion – Faith and Betty-think QL Foundation should help with innovative means of developing climate solutions in other areas.  Invest in the county.
      1.  Harry-concept-what can Frederick County dictate versus asking someone to be a good neighbor
      2. AWS-asked that 15 properties be rezoned
      3. Maybe amending GI and LI legislation
      4. Kai-county can pass legislation up until the first ground breaking and the developer/builder would need to comply.

Adjourned 4:20 pm

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